Anorexia & Bulimia Care
Anorexia and Bulimia Care provide care, emotional support and guidance for those suffering from eating disorders, and for their families. Helping 9,278 people in 2014, they make a difference for a large number of people with eating disorders.
Patients Association
The Patients Association listens to those who are treated by the NHS. Through their helpline, they gather stories about the care received by service users, using that knowledge to campaign for real improvements to health and social services in the UK. Their helpline also provides assistance and support for patients.
Student Minds
Student Minds is the UK's student mental health charity. It believes that peer interventions can change the state of student mental health, delivering research-driven training and support to equip students to bring about positive change on their campuses through campaigning and facilitating peer support programmes.
Feast is an eating disorder charity which provides support for those with eating disorders, their families, and others within the community. They foster mutual respect between care givers, families and patients, and host an "Around the Dinner Table" forum to connect people caring for those suffering from Anorexia and other eating disorders.
Ellen Muthu, a friend of Averil's, recently ran the Warwick half marathon in her memory, and has set up this JustGiving page for donations to BEAT. She has raised over £2,200 so far.
She says "Averil was one of my dearest childhood friends and partner-in-crime at nursery school, memories of which I greatly cherish. We will always remember her with enormous affection and love."