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When the Minutes Don't Reflect Reality

Nic Hart

Following a meeting with Diane Collier and Mark Taylor (NNCCG) earlier in October 2013, the set of minutes that returned were not as I had expected, displaying an important element of the complaints process. Unless independent minutes are taken, those returned are unlikely to match the reality experienced by those attending.

Having discussed in detail several key points, the minutes recorded only the general topics discussed, accompanied by textbook responses, which bore little resemblance to the responses given in the meetings. Even comments made by key clinical members of the CCG team were totally absent from the recorded minutes. I e-mailed to ask for another opportunity to record the meeting, but this was flatly refused.

At all further stages in the complaints process, these minutes will be the only official reflection of the meeting, and may have a significant impact on future proceedings. Given the vagueness of the minutes provided, many of the points made at the meeting have been lost. So much for a duty to be clear, open and transparent - the NCCG have an apparent ability to lie about proceedings and not be accountable to anyone.

Just another example of discgraceful conduct after someone has died and total disrespect for the Averil and her family. 
