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Saturday, 15th December 2012

Nic Hart

Today the 15th December 2012 our wonderful daughter, sister and friend Averil died in our arms.

Its late in the evening and we have been by Averil's bedside for several days now and although Averil has been unconscious, we have been holding her, talking gently to her, playing her favourite music and as it is nearly Christmas and Averil's birthday .... we have been singing carols.

Averil has been surrounded by love on her journey throughout her life.

Today there is an aura of love around her, as in the near darkness, she gently takes her last breath and she lets the pain of her illness slip away and she leaves us forever.

We sit and hold Averil and weep, but the room is empty and we feel bereft and exhausted.

We cannot imagine life without our wonderful Averil.

The hospital is quiet, the lights are still on, but a wonderful light has gone out in our lives.