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Remembering Averil ..

Nic Hart

Everyday starts with thoughts of Averil. It just works that way, before my eyes are even open. There she is.

Since Averil died I worry that maybe I won't be able to keep my memories of Averil fresh and close to me as the years roll on - I just hope that Averil will always be there to help me as my memory fades. 


She once wrote about a flight we had, "... Dad fly safe, I will always be there with you handing out the fizzies and choosing the tunes" .

Thinking of that flight together, I sometimes feel like I could just let my atoms float through the clouds and into the universe to be with Averil.  If only it were that simple.

Today has been special, full of Averilshine.

Averil's web site has brought contact with her friends from Addenbrooke's and at University .... and they have sent messages of their friendship and love for Averil as well as their own stories. Thank you for these messages, they mean the world.

Thank you too, for the love of Averil's wonderful sisters who show incredible strength in their lives and smile when their hearts are breaking. It can take great courage to be happy.

Nic 14/08/2014