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Averil's death ... "Missing" Medical records

Nic Hart

Under the 1990 Act regarding access to medical records, we have a right to see Averil's medical records after she died.

These records are important in order to help us find out what went wrong in Averil's care, which was provided by the Cambridge and Peterborugh Foundation Trust (CPFT) and Nofolk Community Eating Disorder Service (NCEDS).

The records that we eventually received in 2013 were only a minor part of Averil's medical history and many of the notes that we expected to find were missing. 

Little by little .... it has become apparent that we have been given a highly edited set of medical records. 

.... and it should come as no surprise that these records were censored by Dr. Jane Shapleske, none other than the head of the service that we beleive was resposible for Averil's death.

A definite conflict of interests after the death of a patient.

We are still working hard to get access to the full set of Averil's medical records (if they still exist ? ) ... and this is just one of the challenges that patients and loved ones face in trying to find the truth when things go wrong within the NHS.

Nic 12/0/2014